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Discussion in 'Technical Analysis' started by sanjay_sansanwal, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    Good to hear that because our motto is to inspire people about getting knowledge of stock market so that they can earn money frm here.
    Many of us r loosing their money here and the reason is lack of knowledge.

    To stay and earn in market you should follow some rules very strictly and should rely on either technical or fundamentals.
    Most of us know nothing about it and the result they got huge losses and then they start blaming market.They didn't accept their mistakes, only some of them realized that they have done something wrong and few of them starts learning afterwards.
    I am also frm them only who made huge loss because of zero knowledge but I had accepet and then start learning technical after learning that lil bit fundamentals then fractal, candle stick, and so on and still learning.

    First of all I don't know how u read the chart cause what u have said " Today when i saw the chart around 11:45 ( nifty sport around 5880) i was sure that nifty will test around 5830 levels ... and it made a low of 5820 " is absolutely wrong, want to know why?

    1) At 11:45 Nifty made a attempt to break out and it did some how it didn't sustain before that it made a low of 5855, so it was on way to recover downfall but there is no confirmation that now it will go down.
    2) At 12:30 PM and 2:50 PM it gave a confirmation for more down side and confirmation of 12:30 PM was proved wrong one cause again after touching a low of 5847 it stopped falling and then consolidated for some time and then recovered and touched 5882 but couldn't sustain because of selling pressure
    and made bearish pinbar at that point u could open ur shorts but before that there was no signal to go for shorts.
    3) At 2:50 PM it breached previous low of 5847 at that point u could say more downfall cause nifty has started making new Intra day lows.

    I hope u understand it well and take it in a positive way to learn, one thing I like u to understand that more u criticized by some one more u will learn, so accepting ur mistakes will surely give u feel like u loose ur heart but not ur precious money.

    Gotta go I will update more on this later.

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    Last edited: Sep 28, 2013
  2. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Perfect levels but then this will not (or may not) happen tomorrow itself.
  3. krasquinha

    krasquinha Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Hi Sanjay,

    Thanks once again.I always try to learn things from others and i take it positively. Thats why i am still in the market, and still learning. I agree that every person will have their own view and Technic to predict the targets. I use a little different Technic and i have verified for one year data. Hope my targets will get achieved.

  4. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    That's very good that u r learning frm long time ago and still learning, this is the only key to continuing earn frm market.

    About ur targets I am not convinced with the level of 5798 break down and close below for more down side till 5580 and close above 5800 for upside with target 6140.

    As every one has different opinions.
    Anyway best of luck for ur targets.

    I will update some charts for all of us to get something more important levels frm that data.

    Last edited: Sep 28, 2013
  5. eudee21

    eudee21 New Member

    Sep 19, 2013
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    View on Nifty

    Hi Sanjay,

    Although I am new to join the forum, I keenly follow all the postings, specially on nifty. I want to know your views for the index for the coming week and thereafter because I see no reason for the nifty to move north. Also the forthcoming results would be mostly disappointing. Your views please.

    Best regards,

  6. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    Take out what u can from these charts.

    I will update my views and levels very soon but before doing that I just like to check all ur views from these charts.
    I am sure u will learn so much from it.

    Dear Shabbir u please wait, don't give any levels so that no can take benefit from u r post.

    Reason of this is check our capabilities cause so many our brothers and sisters of India r loosing their hard earned money here and all foreigners are making money from our brothers and sisters.

    In my view charts speak everything all about of it.


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  7. bharatdadlani

    bharatdadlani New Member

    May 3, 2012
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    Dear Sanjay,

    Your threads are always wonderful & educative. Where do i learn all about Future & Options Market? I am looking for articles similar to how Mr. Shabbir put Equity Market in simple words.

    Want to know all terms being used & how a game is being played in real world.

    Please guide.

  8. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Waiting ...
  9. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    Dear Bharat,
    Thanks for those wonderful words, I feel so proud by these types of quote actually I have taught Computers Hardware/Software and Networking to so many people free of cost but unfortunately or fortunately only few of them used these type of quote for me, mostly took me for a granted for them everything is very calculative and they like to use and throw feeling for every one and because of those I some time feel that am I fool or what but when I got these type of quotes I feel good and it gave me so much strength to keep going and help other's.

    Some of my friends and relative told me that u r doing good but the fact is people took u for a granted cause u straight away start helping them and even free of cost while u r spending lot to get knowledge, so stop doing this just free charge something no matter lesser but start charging.

    I don't know how to handle this but anyhow things are like that only.

    Now what u asked about future & option learning process, so first u tell me from how long u r in market? Have u got any knowledge about technical or fundamental? Most importantly r u dreaming to get rich by trading in future and option?

    Why I asked all this cause Future and option can make u hero in a moment but it can make u zero in another moment, means u need more skill in future and options plus experience and add on passions and more ability to make strategies to exit if trading against the trend/contra call.

    By the way I am also writing a book on these from a long time and trying to make it very simpler but as u know we have to do other works too and last year got transferred that is y it is taking time but some how I will complete it by the end of this year or starting of the new year. I was also planning to open a institute regarding this but need to manage my time cause I don't want to be a ROBOT.

    Thanks again and update me what I asked about future and options, I will try to solve all ur queries.

  10. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    Me too but no updates from others.
  11. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Weekends have less response.
  12. bharatdadlani

    bharatdadlani New Member

    May 3, 2012
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    Thanks Sanjay for your quick reply.

    First of all I salute people who teach without any hope of getting something in return. I salute Mr. Shabir for the same as well.

    Its my personal experience you will gain only when you give. I am an Electronics Engineer I must say & must thank to all my friends & colleagues who came to me with their queries. I became, you can say master in Electronics to the root of fundamentals. No one can steal this from me, I acquired this only because I given without expecting anything in return.

    What you are doing, have a confidence in you, you are doing wonderful. Please do what gives you satisfaction & happiness, forget what others are stating. You know better than anyone else your own journey in life, stick to same.

    Sorry I taken much of your time.

    I am in Equity market all because of Mr. Shabbir, because of his wonderful book (Technical do not care much on Fundamentals), else I would have lost interest in Market.

    I am in market, watching, understanding since last 1.5 years, all made money only in equity market. I am not too greedy, want to learn about future & option & would like to give a try. If it works why not. I am investing as part time, I am working in MNC but will get time in between to check on market trend.

    Best of luck for your book in Advance.

    Last edited: Sep 28, 2013
  13. eudee21

    eudee21 New Member

    Sep 19, 2013
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    Nifty views

    The daily chart looks like pointing southward, but the daily one is still not sure.

    Meantime I 6300 ce just hoping nifty will reward me next week. What's your opinion?


  14. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    The pleasure is all mine.
  15. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    I will update on this very soon for sure but waiting for others response.

    Anyways thanks for views.
  16. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    Bharat Thanks once again for appreciating us, you are absolutely right more u give more u gain and no one can steal that frm u, I am working for income Tax Special cell (forensic) and u know I am able to troubleshoot all queries on phone only regarding any IT or Forensic only because I taught so many people or else every time whenever find any challenging device I have to check all book stuff or inter-net to get the solution which I am doing on tips only.

    Now back to work for future and option 1.5 yrs is very less time and according to me you should more focus on equity only.
    Also I would love to tell u that please don't trade intraday as well in equity just do long term investment and short term trading and when u feel that u win more than 7-8 trades out of 10 in short term then only start thinking about positional (weekly) trades and after that intraday but for intraday at least for a month or two do it on paper only.
    If u get again 7-8 wins then only plan for option, I am very much sure that if u follow these steps u will definitely earn handsome money on regularly basis also if u follow these steps, it will boost ur confidence and ur analyzing power too.
    specially by this u will be ready to trade with out any emotions involve in your trades.
    I give u an example for this when u start learning car u afraid so much and all ur concentrations focused on steering wheels, brakes, gears, horn and on wind screen but not on rear view even not on side mirrors too.
    But when u learned well u give a damn to all this and even intentionally or unintentionally u aware all of other vehicles running back of u or by side (left/right).
    More clarification on that before when u were learning u attached it by emotions too that is y u were afraid cause don't want to hit anyone but after learning u stop thinking all that stuff and become used to of this and while driving u chat with co driver and other passengers too just like that only and even u receive calls too (if attending calls while driving my request u to stop doing that cause it actually distract ur concentration and u could be fined or met accident by this) and taking so many lefts and rights and cross so many red lights and even park ur vehicle just like that only. you know why?
    Just because u become used to of this and no emotions involve in ur driving. If u drove today just try to remember on which red light u stopped today how many green lights u had on the way, how u took turns what u were doing other then driving that time.
    I bet u can't, so this is the answer for all of us who are confused about how to trade with out any emotions.

    Now back to work again options require more skills, experience, quicker response, other thing I will mention later.
    U can learn these by ur self only when u spend time in market and analyzed well u will get all above stuff.

    Other things are strategies, FII/DII action, Open Interest, against the trend and so on... u have to learn but u can't learn all together just like a kid whom we can't teach all the stuff from ABC to Algebras all together.
    So please master on equity before then only start thinking of options and after options there is future.

    Most of us just do opposite of this and start with Intraday which is the last step in equity and get big losses and some of them start trading in future and options then to recover their losses and after getting huge losses they start blaming market.

    Now just think who is responsible for those big loss?
  17. bharatdadlani

    bharatdadlani New Member

    May 3, 2012
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    Thanks Mr. Sanjay,

    Good to know about. Keep going.

    I totally agree with your suggestions & follow, yes I found lot of improvements on my trade as compared to last year, but I cannot say I become perfect or ten out of ten trade I can win.

    I am doing some intraday as well yes I win there as well of course not 7 out of 10. This may be because along with office work, we may not give continuous attention, or I agree I haven't reached a position where I drive a car as you said above.

    Let me drive on road for some more time, will wait for your guidance.

  18. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    Good, sure I will keep guiding and learning.
    You r absolutely right we have to do lots of work other then trading, so sometimes it is very hard to manage intraday calls and same thing with future and options too cause we can't hold those positions longer, we have to square off our trades before day ends or before expiry or else we'll get zero in return plus zero on capital too sometimes.
  19. krasquinha

    krasquinha Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Hi Sanjay,

    Here are the levels ....

    Intraday target around 5750 , on daily basis if it closes below 5800 we will see downside till 5555 levels.
    if it does not close below 5800 levels then we will see upside 6140 , 6350 - 6400 levels ...

    I am correct ??????

    Last edited: Sep 29, 2013
  20. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    About 5750 and then more down side ur absolutely right but above 5800 and then 6140-6350-6400 level I will update soon after others view if others update.
