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Whom u gonna vote?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by sanjay_sansanwal, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    Finely going to Vote, some of known though that I prefer someone and that is why I put few posts regarding his good work because I am very clear on my decisions and that is stand with right and I found some quotes which were actually good no mater that could be my enemy even.

    Now today is the day where we all can show each and every party and politicians that what we all can do cause they got power just because of us and after getting in power they simply ignore us and even put their all efforts to rob us.

    After so many years I am to vote note in between "ANDHO MAIN KAAN RAJA" because don't have options cause this time got few interesting, honest options.

    I am going to vote for honesty not because of " 1 chance to banta hai yaar and all " cause I know that old are proved corrupted in so many instance but another one are not proved guilty till now may be after some time they will become like them only but that that could happen with u and me too, so no point to discuss about what could happen, point whom we like to win politician or a leader.
    My vote goes for a leader who take us along with him to make India better.

    Guys please open all your mind and eyes and than vote not because that man is from your religion or he can do something for your religion or area, etc, cause we live in a democratic country and we should respect all religions not personal one or those religion who voted for us.

    Best of luck.
    I know some of us don't like this post but this is I am and don't want to change my self cause I am proud of my self to be honest.
  2. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    I will vote for None of the above option :D
  3. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    That is also an interesting option but now Supreme Court has given one option for that also " Right to reject ".
  4. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Yes. I have not voted till date but plan to do it now as I have that option.
  5. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    yes it should be at least by doing this u could be sure that no one can misuse ur vote.
  6. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    Sanjay Sansanwal
    31 seconds ago via mobile ·
    Education was actually threat even it is for rest of the world by India and that is the reason we have seen grading system in education and reason what we heard for that from our so called leaders that so many student's committing suicide but they have hide the genuine reasons.
    In real education is biggest threat for India too because of good school and institution are very few in numbers but we Indian are on top posts all over in world.
    Now just imagine if we will get good infrastructure than where India would be, yes again it may become " SONE KI CHIDIYA" but for that our genuine leaders should focus on good quality education but is there anyone who is actually feel that way no instead they always try to make fool of us by SUBSIDY, RAM MANDIR, NAREGA, Hindu-Muslim division, Male-Female division, lower cast- higher cast division, etc..
    Just think by your heart Who is fool?
    Only 'We'
    because they are doing there job and that is fool innocent people, remember English policy, they are following that only but what we people are doing why the hell we are giving them chance again and again that shows how big fool we are who indulge these type of activity without any personal interest.
    I am just 37 and what I realize and read by History and news that we got so many leaders ( political only) only few are genuine leaders like Sardar Patel, lal Bahudur Shastri, Beam Roa Ambedkar, sorry if missed some one special other than our freedom fighters, above mentioned leaders have done so much for India and Indians and actually it is very difficult to find any wrong policy from them.
    Now just think rest of Indian leaders undoubtedly they also have done so much but only few good policy and so many wrong one because of personal need or interest and because of that every where in India one thing spread like 'Fire in forest' you know what is that none other than 'Corruption'
    Now come to reality, as Indian what we have, we have so many leaders and so many parties but most of them are busy in cashing the name ' Gandhi', 'Ram Mandir, 'Patel' etc., but do you feel they deserve our support at least not mine, yours you have to decide but this is the time to decide cause the situation is 'Do or Die' for India in terms of 'Inflation, GDP, IIP, etc or else rest of the world will be biggest threat of India.
    I found a man whom I can call a genuine leader 'Arvind kejriwal' and got inspired by him too much and somewhere he is the only one who force me too vote cause before I was fed up with this type of dirty politics but after seeing his work, dedication, struggle, etc, I bound to vote for him what I did.
    I salute him from the bottom of my heart cause he has guts to speak,work, change the Indian politics to that level where no one can imagine to do any sort of corruption.
    Few month earlier I started a Web page to help Indian who is loosing there hard earned money in Stock market and my motto was to educate my Indian brothers and sisters about capital market and proudly I can say that I saved thousands of Indian retail investors money even taught them how to earn money from capital market and still teaching at www.Facebook.com/histocks I can't tell you how much satisfaction I am getting by helping others and that force me start posting on other blogs and social networking sites, in starting I was just helping my friends than to few members of a paid forum than free webpage and now very soon going to launch a My Dedicated Website for the purpose. I am teaching and helping Indian people free of cost with out any personal interest and to tell you exactly by doing this I can feel how satisfy sir Arvind Kejriwal would be by helping Indian.
    Please stop listening them who want you to misguide instead listen to your heart and do Vote by your judgment not by some one else even not by my judgment.
    Do it man by your heart and soul.
    Jai Hind.
  7. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    Kindly share by your all possible channels if you agreed on above.
  8. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    I don't see a reason for including your trading related page into this post.
  9. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    There was according to me and that is getting "satisfaction" by doing something for others.
  10. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Still not convinced because you may have donated something somewhere in your entire life but did not include those either.

    Keeping related things helps and it looks like popping out of the blue and then looks like everything was just to promote your FB page and nothing more.

    The whole point of the post is lost for me.
  11. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    I don't need any promotion by this type of cheap trick cause I can spend lot of money for that and even spending but what to say every one has their own view and this could be your view not mine.
    Yeah you said something about donation I am sure you also have donated like every one donate time to time including me but according to me " Just donate and forget" or I can say " DAAN tab tak daan hai jab to usse gaya na jaye " at least I hate people who sings a song of donation and I personally believe " Daan ka Gaana" nahi chahiye .

    Thanks anyway for your views cause that can help me in future.
  12. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    I know its not promoting and so I did not remove or edit it but it looked like that from the outset.
    sanjay_sansanwal likes this.
  13. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    Thanks and I agreed few can think that way but promoting was not my intentions cause you know there are lots of other ways to promote anything and it does not matter that would bad or good but people are ready to promote because of business but at least not me.
    shabbir likes this.