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thanks shabbir..think intraday softwares

Discussion in 'Enjoying DIYTA? Share it here' started by pratheeshkc, Aug 24, 2012.

  1. pratheeshkc

    pratheeshkc New Member

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Hi shabbir,
    m a new entrant to this forum,i m in mkt since 2001,m not at all an invetor bt really a trader particularly day trader,till now total no of trade almost 70% of my trade was success bt 30% loss occured in my trade was more than my profit and it took away my capital also.
    last one year i was in a journey in learning technical analysis,gone thru lots of sites, at last my search is takg a pause here,i gone thru ur book,its beauty is the simplysity of language and u r clearly mentioned the techniques very simply in particularly in positional.its quite informative and taking ds opportunity in congratuating SHABBIR.
    i have some suggestions now a days everyday stock mkt is going thru differnt changes, lots of software available in mkt to simplyfy the intraday trades,u can also develop a good software for intraday trade by using these parameter which made u helpful in gaining profits in nifty and it will b a good and a challenging opportunity to u Shabbir,
    The fact is that 95% of the intraday traders are losseres,bt 5% are winners. m on the way to get in to 5% going to test differnt softwares with consistant success ratios if anythg got risk reward in +ve zone i will inform the forum
  2. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Hi Pratheesh,

    I am really glad that you liked the ebook.

    Regarding software, being an application developer myself I had that in the back of my mind and then did lot of research on the available options but then all of them were based on mathematical theory of buy and sell triggers but I prefer more of a price action triggers and not based on purely maths. Yes I use one or two maths signal but they are not the only one.

    Apart from that creating that software is simple but then getting the live quotes from NSE or BSE has a subscription of few thousands each month which I don't think is ideal as well.

    So yes what you have thought, I have given it a though and is there in the back of my mind but not sure as of now I have plan to implement it but yes it remains into one of my ToDo list.
