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Thank You Shabbir

Discussion in 'Enjoying DIYTA? Share it here' started by naveen1241, Mar 29, 2014.

  1. naveen1241

    naveen1241 Responder

    Jul 11, 2012
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    Hi All,

    I'm way too indebted to this person Mr. Shabbir. He hasn't got the benefit of a single penny from me. The one place where I come in and ask for favour with confidence that I would get a reply from the heart for years is the very same person. Normally, what one thinks of a person involved with the stock markets and stuff is quite different - Profit oriented/Wealth oriented and inclined towards were money could be made etc. But this person is totally different. Have been so prompt at all times over the years. He may be on tour, busy or whatsoever. But, his advise at any times are the least delayed. Honestly, even if i try my best I could never keep going like this even if I'm offered money for the service. I'm writing all this since I feel highly indebted and felt like sharing my feelings. When I look back, I have learned many things from him. I've transformed quite a lot. Stock market was a place where I tend to loose quite a lot of money. But now I've the confidence that equities can't erode my wealth at any cost and on the contrary could make meaning to the earnings that i invest.
    Forgot to mention about ELSS. Learned lessons that cannot be learned from anywhere else.

    Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. Wishing to see you attain greater heights.

    :) :) :)

    Best Regards,

    masihpatel likes this.
  2. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    So kind words of yours and I am just speechless.
  3. naveen1241

    naveen1241 Responder

    Jul 11, 2012
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    Not just kind words, Shabbir. I'm absolutely amazed by many things in fact. You are too good at many things. Expecting nothing in return many a time and your time management skills from whatever little I've known is simply superb. I've been too lazy many a time and when I look back, it would have been so bad to let you know at least the bare minimum things I've conveyed.

    Thanks a ton :pleased: and you deserve much more and not just a few words of appreciation or thanks giving from me.

    Keep going. ALL THE BEST.

  4. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    The pleasure is all mine.