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Stop dividing us, will u, please.

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by sanjay_sansanwal, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    :mad:Stop dividing us, will u, please.

    Hi all,

    I was actually wanted to post this earlier but couldn't manage to post because of tight schedule but today I am here..

    I have seen and heard so many thing and still listening by many groups like political, social, community, etc. and seriously I am shocked and ashamed as most of these are trying to divide us world wide while they should be working to unite us but as I am Indian so I will discuss about my country here.

    We all know the fact that how British manage to rule on India for 347 years and we all know which policy made them to rule India for so long and same policy are adopted by many groups which mentioned earlier and that is " Divide and Rule ".

    This is actually a big issue and these groups treat us like a mob to make their plans successful, I am not saying that but our history is saying that and even I personally seen that so many time during my schooling to till date nothing has been changed. Our freedom fighters and all who sacrificed their life will feel very sad if hell and heaven exists and if they could see us doing this much bad because they never expected this from us.

    This is the time to realize our mistakes as now it is high time and also elections are coming, so we should do something, something which could change this scenario and people who are thinking to do this will feel afraid before doing anything wrong. I request all to participate in coming elections for a betterment, I am not favoring any party or religion here as that should be your decision as per your findings.

    Any single society, community, religion can't do things for betterment, so we all should be united and should avoid such things as these groups always try to divide us for name of Hindu-Muslim, Mandir-Masjid, Rich-Poor, Educated-Uneducated, Male-Female, Employee-Employer, minority-majority Haryana-Punjab, etc. but just think we all are human before all this and then we all are Indian, so don't give any opportunity to these bullshits and unite as we can change the scenario.

    Even on my trip on Bharatpur I felt bad by few things and made my mind very clear to analyse that how sad these groups are about India's pride and Honor. I am sure many of us read and heard about King Surajmal as a top richest king of India who forced to band Mugal's and many more including British several time and defeated so many but as usual like all other Freedom fighters except Mr. Gandhi and Nehru same sadness I saw from Ruling as well state government there and when I asked the reason from local people about closing the temples after AARTI, closing the museum and fort of King Surajmal, etc. and I was shocked because of answer as answer was because of "No maintenance" as if we left Temple remain open for whole day then steal might happen.

    More pic below as attachment.

    I am not able to understand few things like what our Ruling Government and state Government are doing and what kind of living, system they are developing. We all have suffered somewhere by Madal commision, Ram Mandir, Babri Masjid, 1984 Riots, 2002 Godra Riots, Saharanpur Riot, etc. then why the hell we still get ready to be part of such bullshit when we all knows that somewhere above mentioned things have happened because of few bad group like political, social, community, etc.

    I am Hindu but before that I am an Indian and very proud of that but if this would happened again and again then for sure I may doubt that is this a actually proud or not, I request all please stop following those bad groups who are trying to divide us and be unite to fight with these group for betterment, development or else again we could see one more separation like in 1947 and I am 100% sure that none of us who is true Indian want that to happen again.

    Sorry if I made hurt someone but all above hurt me so much, live life with peace and harmony as we could change the world by our unity, education, democracy, love, patriot, etc.

    Jai Hind,
    Mera Desh Mahan, Nikalo is main se yeh Beiman, tabhi hoga hamara desh balwan.

    Attached Files:

    masihpatel likes this.
  2. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    I am sure you have not hurt any common man. There are so many people just driven by nothing.
    masihpatel and sanjay_sansanwal like this.
  3. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    I always tried to control my emotions as I am too much emotional, intentionally till now I have hurt only 1 business rival @ my initially stage when I was just 19-20 years old and I did that because he actually used me and then started same business in front of my business address.

    I always admitted that to so many that I done that but when he ran away I realized my mistake and after that no one can claim that I did something to hurt any intentionally.
    I always tried my best to help known and unknown but fact is few proved right because now days most have become selfish.

    But it is ok as you can just advice but can't change their attitude and as per our holy GEETA " Karm kiye ja, fal ki icha na kar " " just keep working, don't wish for reward".

    But there may be few who got hurt by me unintentionally but no one complained so can't say.

    I personally judge myself as a gentle man and actually wish that my child would be like me only.
  4. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    I don't prefer judging myself and I keep that to others and let be good from my heart.
    masihpatel likes this.
  5. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    Me having little different opinions on this as I keep analyzing me because it always help me to understand my mistakes plus help me to rectify as fast as I can.
    About others judgement, sorry to say but I don't need certificates from any about my character as I know very well what I am and if my mind and soul is saying that than I count myself as correct, it not about proud but it belongs to my confidence, I always listen everyone negatives and positives but to correct myself not because I need any certificate.

    It actually vary as every one has their own views.
  6. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Yes it varies but then everyone would judge oneself as correct only and I don't need certificates from strangers but from people who matters is what matters to me. May be my mom, wife or kids. I know there are some problems with me and I am trying to improve on those areas.