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Statue of Unity

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by sanjay_sansanwal, Nov 1, 2013.

  1. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    I read somewhere by doing this Modi is wasting money and poor could get food if he stop wasting money like this, he is doing because of tourism only and bla bla..........

    There are so many questions came to my mind and when analyze all things and also 1st time of my life heard speech of Mr. Modi which was pretty impressive.

    Now I am not asking him to vote cause that should be solely your decision.
    Rumors on Modi, He is a not a democratic ( kattar hinduvadi).
    He should feel sorry for what happened in Gujrat.
    He should accept his mistake.
    He is hiding and influencing facts on Godhra kand.
    Gujrat is for rich people only.
    Gujrat is developed but not the poor people.
    and so many which others can add cause I was not good in history.

    What I realize and understand by history and by my life and by my elders.

    None of religion tech us to dominate or kill people of other religions.

    Sikhs came in picture to protect Hindus. For me they are the real hero in most of the time, who can forget Bhagat sing who died for us only, so many Sikhs who are protecting our borders and they actually are hardworking people.

    Sorry don't have much knowledge about Christians and Muslims but my only child is studying in Christian school ( Sent Mary School ) and I am very much Satisfied with the way Christian school is teaching my son and what I realize that Christians also respect all the religion.
    I have some Muslim friend also and they also agree with me that as far as I and other educated Indians concerned they also respect all religion and it really doesn't matter to them that they got neighbor, friends, etc., who are Muslim.

    Yes there are exceptions but not in Muslims only cause you can find those in hindus as well as in Christians and all other religions too.

    So now come back to Modi's point, he has announce to build a statue of unity ( Sardar Patel), is any true Indian can doubt on Sardar Patel, I bet No one, so what is wrong with building a statue of him, I don't find any other than Gandhi's but are they actually Important?
    So many adopted "Gandhi" as their surname but are they behaving like him, sorry to say but not at all and even if you start finding then you came to know that they are having their real name on their passport ( which shows their real name with real surname ), so what they r doing by "Gandhi" surname, they are just in-cashing it.

    Yes Modi could be kattar Hinduvadi but who said Kattar hinduvadi couldn't be democratic only "Gandhi's" (surname borrowed) and other are following only with closed eyes and going with them like a sheep walk.
    For me every one should respect their religion and others, I am Hindu and proud to be Hindu but I feel more proud to be an Indian means what I am also not a democratic, if you say so then I am very sorry to say that India couldn't maintain their leadership in so many fields and couldn't be a real super power so stop dreaming about that cause we The Indians ( calling The Indian cause The is not a proprietary of U.S. ) can only make India proud, shine and super power but we have to behave and respect well to make India to reach that level.
    So if Modi is kattar hinduvadi then I don't have issue on him cause Hindus are meant to help other ( poor ), no matter to religion that is what I know about Hindu.

    What happened in Gujrat is not acceptable in any manner and none of Indian want to happen that again in anywhere in the world, yes I feel sorry for that so do Modi should but it is solely his wish only cause till now he is not proved guilty by our law and order and till he will not proved, he will be innocent for me.

    Why should he accept his mistake when it is not proved that he is guilty, yes he should accept his mistake of wrong governess or delay action taken time on that matter but just open the page of history book to find how many politicians do that, has Smt. Indira Gandhi or Rajeev Gandhi And even Nehru Gadhi and even our previous Home minister on Delhi blast can include our Delhi's CM on Dec. rape case has apologies on what happened at their time, No one then why all Muslim brothers are seeking his apology when he is not proved guilty.

    I don't know he is directly or indirectly involved in hiding facts of Godhra nor u do or else he will be in jail if proved.

    Gujrat is for every one no matter you are rich or poor but you have to work hard then only you can get everything what you work for but if keep praying that please God give me food then nothing will come but if by chance God Send someone to give food to u then also you have to move your hands cause God will not come to put that food in your mouth.

    Everyone is accepting that yes Gujrat has developed so much but to criticize Modi they need some thing so they made this thing that poor is not developing, are yaar dimaag ki batti jalao, how could u believe this bullshit everyone is developing there yes poor are taking time cause they were not having anything before but now at least they have something.

    Now come to the 1st point which is very very important cause it is concerned with money and poor, so Modi is building this not because of tourism only, it will be pride of India as well as it will make us remind to be in unity life long and poor people can earn money by tourist who will visit there, so for me it is all in one package.
    But if you feel Modi is spending unnecessary money then please watch the white elephants in UP and also figure out the new announcement of ruling party, they are announcing to distribute mobiles to every poor, just think is it worth.

    Don't be partial, don't walk in between sheep, don't close your eyes.

    Vote whom you really think deserve to be PM not because of big Family.

    Don't influence by any one, just think, analyze and decide yourself that whom you gonna vote this time.

    This is my personal views only and I am not a politician nor economist just a AAM Aadmi like you all.

    By this I don't meant to heart anyone but in case if anyone got hurt then please accept my apologies, I have written this cause I think this time we should change the picture and make India actual shine.

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  2. saptarshi_sachin

    saptarshi_sachin Responder

    Jul 20, 2013
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    Nice one!

    You mentioned that you're a AAM Aadmi just like us... that is a very good gesture from you...

    Between, on a lighter note, this written piece from you seems like a BJP campaign leaflet for election, outcasting all false claims against the Bhajpa. But its good, nicely done.

    On a different note, talking about your own place - I want to ask - how much chance does the AAM Aadmi Party have in the Delhi polls? AAP is promising to work and use their "Jhadoo" to clean some mess. As you've said you're an AAM Aadmni, are you going to vote for the "AAM Aadmi Party" ??? just asking you straight out of my heart :) :) hehe :)
  3. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    I will for sure cause I know sir Kejriwal personally so I don't have any doubts on his sincereti but about other member's, so many doubt like Kumar who is actually not a Doctor seems to be selfish same with Manish sesodia, etc., so I asked sir to beware of all cham has and also have doubt on Jan lokpal bill cause if AAP will win then as they promise the have to regulate JLB but that will be very tough cause all are against that and they will be in opposite, so it will be interesting to see weather they able to fullfil the promise or not.

    For prime minister I don't find any strong candidate other than Modi till now.
    saptarshi_sachin likes this.
  4. saptarshi_sachin

    saptarshi_sachin Responder

    Jul 20, 2013
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    OK! That's good..... I think AAP has very good chance of winning this time, but will truly face pressure from all corners....
  5. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    Completely agreed, they need time to be in central but in state they can rule.
  6. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    I am not promoting anyone neither Cong, nor BJP cause no one is correct but yes BJP seems to me ANDHO MEIN KANA RAJA but they also not the best.
    It is written by my heart and soul with open mind and that is what I think as a true Indian, it is not about Modi cause I have criticized him also I think twice or thrice, so for me it is all about India and Indians cause most of the parties have a common agenda Divide and rule but if Modi is doing something different and that could be good for India then we must accept it by open heart that is what I think.
  7. saptarshi_sachin

    saptarshi_sachin Responder

    Jul 20, 2013
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  8. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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