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RBI Backed CryptoCurrency

Discussion in 'Traders Coffee Shop' started by shabbir, Sep 19, 2017.

  1. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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  2. suhel_b

    suhel_b Member

    Sep 14, 2016
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    I fear it a lot. Easy money will become easiest.
    If it's controlled by government or central bank than it will become easy to push in the billions of rupees in economy with just a keyboard.
    These money are not backed by any gold reserve or any other asset. In that case the inflation can be dangerous if it's not handled properly.
    But than who will decide its price ?
    Will we purchase this currency using currency?
    Will it become the mainstream currency or a commodity?
    Its impact can only be imagined but
    But eventually we will move toward it sooner or later.

    Sent from my iPhone using DIY Technical Analysis mobile app
    shabbir likes this.