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Nothing Special

Discussion in 'Enjoying DIYTA? Share it here' started by nakkeeranjohn, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. nakkeeranjohn

    nakkeeranjohn New Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    as i subscribed and got the 97 page pdf file in that nothing special from your PDF you have not given your own teckniq what ever you have given it is very common thing which is available in net on free of cost i donot understand why you have charged this much which you can give it on free of cost if any thing special then you could have charged i thing this is utter waste and this is Shabbir BAIYEEMANI
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2012
  2. sujan4bw

    sujan4bw Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    Ofcourse Every thing will be common and you can get it in Net, but for sure you will not get such well explained examples for different patterns.

    Go through the forum and refer the calls given by forum members that's where lies strength of the PDF, where it enabled normal retail investor to do technical analysis stuff on there own.

    If you had read so much of technical analyisis stuff , pls share it in forum let forum members express there views.

    Do not express such views in forum, you can always touch base with author with private mesages.

  3. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    John. Completely respect your views and feedback.

    If you think this was not what you expected from my ebook, I will be more than happy to give your a refund as well. Send me an email if you are interested and I will be more than happy to get the refunds done for you.

    Sujan, I would not agree with you on this and he has the right to share in forums what he thinks and things like those helps me improve.
  4. sujan4bw

    sujan4bw Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    Yep taking my words back.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2012
  5. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    Not Important
    Good to see positive attitude from Mr. shabbir But few things I like to share here also.

    1 After reading the book I felt the same thing, you know why because after loosing so much I was looking for " jadoo ki chadi" which I didn't get.
    2 After loosing so much spent one thousand more and didn't get any new things.
    3 Basically book is for short to mid term traders and I was looking for Intraday trading to get my money back.
    4 The Patterns which are in book we already aware of that.

    I think he is feeling the same thing but now my views are changed because of so many reasons which are follows:-

    1 The book is about " do it your self " and it teaches us how to apply that patterns in trading.
    2 It is building confident in us cause now we can analyze the stops and target too.
    3 Even before investing we can have views of other negative or positive, which is also making us confident.
    4 Most importantly it teaches us not to believe any advisor blindly because everyone loosing money just because of that.
    5 It teaches us not to trade when there is news in any stock bad/good.
    6 It teaches us how to handle the results of any company.

    These are my views only and as sujan said if u know all this and u r able to analyze the charts patterns plz do share with us cause we all are here to get help and to give help too.

    Finely if u think u got cheated u can ask ur money refund any time but before asking refund I think u just wait and watch here for a month then decide.

    It is my personal views only.
  6. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    I would agree with you on this Sanjay because I like to keep things really simple and that can at times make you feel that we already knew those things but just did not put everything together.