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FAQ’s about Systematic Investment Plans or SIP

Discussion in 'Mutual Funds' started by shabbir, May 11, 2014.

  1. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Market is quite high currently but can I start SIP now or should I wait for the dip in the market to getting started with SIP. And I am sure this is a question of many and so let me not only answer this question but also some of the frequently asked questions which I found are being asked very often in most of forums online.

  2. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    Not Important
    For Indian retail investors Market may be high but for FII and all Indian market is available @ cheap price.

    It is not market where we bet or we should bet as it should be always stock because quality stock performs well in weaker market also.

    Market has consolidated enough after new high and for me it is the right time to enter in quality stocks or else there would be regret that we missed the rally.

    I don't know about others but me enjoying and getting all the juices from most of the stocks as I understand one thing very well and that is market will not give any obvious trade, it always love to give surprises and those thinking to invest after election results will get that for sure.

    I don't know how many anticipated Friday's up move as rumor was on all over that market will fall and bla.. bla.. but I anticipated that if Nifty manage to cross 6690 then next levels would be 6725 - 6750 - 6780 - 6825 and written this.

    Fri May 09, 2014 8:57 am
    Time for Nifty view now, if Nifty managed to cross 6690 then we may witness 6725 – 6750 – 6780 -6825 levels soon but Nifty should not touch 6635 on down side.

    It is all about our take, for me this is the best time to invest if you are a long term investor.
    For traders market is always open for trading and I don't find any reason to stop trading as you can earn both ways ( long and shorts ).
    It is just we who actually have to decide that we initiate our trades/investments by proper education or by speculation.
    Last edited: May 11, 2014
  3. naveen1241

    naveen1241 Responder

    Jul 11, 2012
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    Please share some good funds worth buying at this point in time. Not for SIP. Also, those who are investing currently, do share thoughts.

  4. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Depends on your objective but my bet would be on small and mid cap funds more than large cap funds.