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Recommendation every where, please read this

Discussion in 'Technical Analysis' started by sanjay_sansanwal, Dec 20, 2013.

  1. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    If you have spare money than throw it, choice is completely yours.

    But do it only after checking the chart of Reliance.
    Originally posted at 9:11PM, 19 December 2013 PST

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  2. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Sanjay please do not copy paste the following statement from your FB page / Group

    It can mislead other users reading those posts.
  3. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    Sure Shabbir, I am completely agree with u and I will recheck before pasting next time.
    shabbir likes this.
  4. vishuhd1

    vishuhd1 Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    Software Engineer in IBM, Bangalore
    RIL managed to form a W today with closing price above 890... Positions can be taken in this with a very short term target of around 930... It has a very great resistance around 930 levels.. ROI may be less but can be traded into this for short gains...
    masihpatel and shabbir like this.
  5. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    You are right for short term but what I mentioned is only for Long term as so many broker houses are trying to trap India retail investors by showing them one part of pic.

    Sanjay Sansanwal
  6. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    :)Reliance buy recommendation was everywhere in Dec when I reviewed and said

    When I reviewed on 19th Dec. it was trading @ 850-860 levels next day on 20th Dec. touched 898 and finely reached till 909 on 23 Dec. but after that downfall to 840 level on 7th Jan. 2014 than recovered and given a pullback which went up to 896.9 on 17th Jan. than came back to its trend and breakdown 840 on 29th Jan than downfall which went to 802.75 on 11th Feb.
    Currently trading @ 810.70.

    19th Dec. 2013 to 26th Feb. 2014 from 850-860 level to 802.75, approx 8% negative return if anyone invested for a long term horizon. But yes traders have earned well, intelligent earn both side even me also recommended shorts @ few places like

    So on, even earned on long side too but in positional only.

    Now what about poor retail investors after 2 months?

    8% loss and got stuck in a stock where most of the investors has lost or still stuck from last 3 years who invested in Reliance in last 3 years by thinking that it is available @ cheap price or by broker's recommendation or by so called analyst's most of them got loss and still in hope that it will give them return.

    Definition of cheap is vary from user to user but to invest in stock market you should search for cheap but should search for best to get good return on regular intervals.

    I have a question for those investors, Have you invested your money to get loss or to keep waiting or to make Reliance richer or you were thinking to be a part of its board of member if that is so than I am sorry as you have done write and can say keep doing that but as per me it is a mistake and those who are agreed should accept it and learn from it.

    As it is your mistake only and no one is responsible for that other than you who trusted others blindly, Investing/trading in stock market is serious business which does have large potential rewards but it has high degree of risk and you should be aware and willing to accept them before investing in Stock Market as losses are business expenses here and if you can not take business expenses than you are @ wrong place. You should always learn from your mistakes (losses) to get handsome money from market but normally most of us start investing without any knowledge and after getting loss most of investor/traders quit by saying it is gamble only and no one can earn from here.
    But actually they are hiding their mistakes and also it is a general human tendency to blame some one else and keep our self safe to show how poor you are. It is not at all gamble but you made it gamble as you were gambling.
    Accept it and learn it and you could earn than.


    Now what could happen next as it is @ 810, so yes now short term to positional traders can initiate longs with strict stop of 800 for the target of 830-850-890-920 and more.

    Not interested for long term but if anyone wish than buy it with strict stop of 760.


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    shabbir likes this.
  7. sanjay_sansanwal

    sanjay_sansanwal Contributor

    Jun 17, 2012
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    Sorry for late reply, was quite busy.

    This was the exit, me not invested for long term and exited with loss by 10.6 bucks but may be few of you made an investment in Reliance, so my exit call was this.

    and updated