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Can you answer my very simple question?

Discussion in 'Traders Coffee Shop' started by shabbir, Jan 1, 2014.

  1. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Lets have some fun. Why did you Buy DIYTechnicalAnalysis eBook?

    Answer this very simple question? You can speak your heart out.

  2. siva934127

    siva934127 Member

    Nov 7, 2012
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    To earn money and escape from loses.

  3. praveenbkec

    praveenbkec Member

    Oct 31, 2012
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    Software Engineer
    Hi Shabbir,

    When i was studying in my collage some of frnds are speaking about nifty and sensex also they were in the market but at that time wasn't understanding what they are speaking...and also i don't have money to do experiments...so stock market is added to my TODO list...few months back started searching in internet and tv, found many articles but not able to understand found difficulty.unfortunately found your "Shabbir.in" blog after reading some of your articles got some ideas and confidence, which leads to purchase of DIYTA book.

    Now i am in market for Part time. I found a alternate way to earn money apart from my Salary.
  4. masihpatel

    masihpatel Active Member

    Jun 2, 2012
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    To learn how to invest in Stock at right time and at right price, instead of relying blindly on tips provider.
  5. saptarshi_sachin

    saptarshi_sachin Responder

    Jul 20, 2013
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    The whole chapter started when one fine day, I was searching for some Sharekhan info for one of my cousins (who asked me for some info) that I chanced upon your blog's article "ShareKhan Review". It was really a gem of a post, and I would say it was.. oops! is still a blockbuster post - it was not only useful, but I thoroughly enjoyed reading through it, the comments, questions & their replies/suggestions.

    Decided to revisit the blog, and at the very onset, I went through few articles. Every now and then, I used to glance through the articles and found them to be precise, to the point and practical. I liked the practical aspect very much, you always tried to focus on the practical side rather than putting endless garbage which would mean nothing when placed in reality. Some of them I found useful, and in few of them, you didn't say to do this and to do that, but one who really understood your article should surely pickup what you were trying to say. The "undertone" in your articles was important.

    Then, after, almost about 3-4 months , when I saw some of the sample pages of the ebook, I thought to buy one - may be to know tech analysis but I was really thrilled that someone has written a book on tech analysis to share something with others, which hardly anyone I knew did. Everyone seemed to promise returns, but how they would get them, that no one was ready to tell, even if someone was ready to listen. The cost was not enormous - and I decided to buy....

    Surely, the membership to the DIY forum was an added bonus ..... it was an attraction - not that much for me as I was 3yrs into markets & I knew that nothing is guaranteed here in capital markets in spite of all learnt, the idea is to do it correctly & may be sometimes take help of the term 'Stop Loss'.
    For me, it was more like I could get hold of the author and may be ask something or some queries. And in a way, I liked the fact that how nicely the ebook was marketed - how many readers get to interact with the authors of the books that they've read ? Zero..... Here, it was ....... It was certainly NOT the 'Buy 1 Get 1 Free' type offer, but I thought that you had gone ahead, and opened up a forum, where you could listen to what your readers are saying & discuss with them - form a common platform where your readers can speak up their thoughts and interact on Indian stock markets.

    Finally, when I gained access to the forum - I found that it was perhaps more than the book - because the ebook relates only to tech analysis of stocks, but the forum relates to everything, even to the point that someone may ask to share thoughts on - which toothpaste is better - Colgate or Pepsodent ? And still, there would be witty answers! DIY had a category for discussing almost anything under the roof. All might not relate to monetary gains but there are other aspects of life too - where one might need a piece of general thought from others. Or in a way, that you might be at an island alone and have no one to discuss something, he can speak to DIY... Hello DIY ? Yes, dear, I'm listening ... go ahead! and there you go....
    karthikkv34 likes this.
  6. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    But did you knew that before getting into DIY?

    Glad to be of help to you.

    Wow. And we still see things like you cannot time the market.

    All I can say is I am speechless.
  7. saptarshi_sachin

    saptarshi_sachin Responder

    Jul 20, 2013
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    I am glad that you asked the "simple" question. :D
  8. srspriya06

    srspriya06 Active Member

    Dec 13, 2012
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    I entered share market without any knowledge in it. I used to watch news channels for buying shares. I beleived the news entirely and bought shares. Finally it results in loss of money. Then i started searching net for books. But as a starter i couldnt get a exact things wat i need. One fine morning when i was searching in the net i found shabbir's DIY blog. Really i have to thank God for showing this blog to me. Then i learned some articles in that and ordered tat book. DIY is very simple to understand the technical analysis. I would say this would be my big turning point.
    shabbir likes this.
  9. ppdhamangaonkar

    ppdhamangaonkar New Member

    Nov 26, 2013
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    Gd mng
    i wanted to learn some basic technical analysis , to build my portfolio
    time frame 3 months to 12 months
    i wanted to learn all these ,not from any coaching class , training programme,a big book but with some book written by somebody experienced in a simple language
    yr book meet all these requirements
    so i purchased the book
    definitely i am benefitted
    all the best
    shabbir likes this.
  10. kaisarimam96

    kaisarimam96 Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    To understand from your point how to trade successfully and make good profits.
    I have already read lot of books and found your book very simple and easy to understand.
    I also wanted to learn your trading approach and how you see charts .
    The most appealing thing was you are ready to share your views and comment on views of others.
    shabbir likes this.
  11. vishuhd1

    vishuhd1 Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    Software Engineer in IBM, Bangalore
    Well, I was into trading (not a very regular though) since long time, but I should honestly admit that I was definitely one amongst the 90% of the people who book losses and exit from the market and feel bad at the end of the day..
    I was searching a lot in the internet as to how to do the analysis and the intricacies of it..
    I bumped into your forms and articles.. Trust me, when I started reading, it made so much sense.. You clearly explained from your own trading/investment experience and you have shared the snapshots of the same as well..
    Then, I posted the request for first 4 free chapters.. It was just awesome.. The language was very simple.. The explanation was just on the dot.. Nothing extra in it.. I couldn't stop but to order for the whole book.. When I completed your book, lots and lots of things started making sense.. I started analyzing the stocks and I felt good that I could get many of the analysis right..
    Now, I have completely immersed myself into full time trading.. I am enjoying a lot and your concepts are helping me everyday.. I am slowly coming into the 10% category of the people who make profits irrespective of the trend of the market.. Many many thanks to you for all your efforts..
    And, the forum is remarkable.. We do get lots of new ideas, new concepts, doubts getting cleared and what not.. Simply superb..
    I even liked your marketing strategy as well of giving first couple of chapters for free.. :).. I am sure, everyone who have gone through the first 4 chapters, would have gone ahead and ordered for the whole book.. Thanks again Shabbir.. !!
    shabbir likes this.
  12. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    The best part is I am able to make lot more people into that 10% area and is working hard to get more people into that zone.
  13. virudjoshi

    virudjoshi New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
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    Hi Shabbir,
    One fine day, I lost around 5 lac (real hard earned money) by shorting FT & Cox&Kings. On that day, I searched for some review and help on internet. I found your book and read some part of it. I found the book to be useful and felt that it may help me in recovering my overall loss from market.

    I believe that the money lost from market has to be earned from market only.

    So now studying and trying to understand. I still need to get into the groove, follow the patterns, invest and earn. Your help in this is highly appreciated.

    VD Joshi
    shabbir likes this.
  14. balurajgopal

    balurajgopal New Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    I have just become a member. My first aim is to arrest all losses that have occurred so far.
    I am an about to retire man. So, I need to start from Technicals before I invest in markets
  15. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Welcome to the forum and try to get through the ebook before taking any decisions further.
  16. hirenrachh

    hirenrachh Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    Of course making money is the prime aim. But later on i became curious about the complex psychology of the mass involved.
    shabbir likes this.
  17. balurajgopal

    balurajgopal New Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    I have read almost 80%of book. Doubts persist.
  18. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Doubt will persists unless you speak out of your doubt and get them clarified. Just share your doubts and will be more than happy to clarify them.
  19. chethankrc

    chethankrc Active Member

    Jun 16, 2014
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    Software Engineer
    Hi, Some how I got to know your blog
    While searching for technical analysis
    Study Materials. I became member by giving my
    Email id and started recieving your posts.
    This was some 6 months back. I found that you are giving very useful information regarding markets, brokers, mutual funds. I also read sample pdf of your book. Then I decided to buy your book and get more useful info.
  20. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Thanks for sharing those nice words.