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My brief introduction ....

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by sureshtsuryavanshi, May 2, 2012.

  1. sureshtsuryavanshi

    sureshtsuryavanshi New Member

    May 1, 2012
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    Hi All,

    My name is Suresh, I am software professional based out in Bangalore and Interested in Stock market, Mutual Funds, Personal Finance. I am certified Financial Planning Advisor. If anybody want to do Financial Planning one can contact me. Definately it will not be free. Because people tend to ignore free advice :( ... I used to give free advise, But, most of the people ignored. So, I want to charge for the advisory service, as I am investing my time to understand the client's situation. So, it will be beneficial for both. If client is not happy with the plan and the service, definitely I will refund 100% of the money back to the clients, provided they have to explain why they are not satisfied with the plan and the service, so that It will help me to improve and learn..

    I have taken Personal Financial Planning as a Profession and Career. I have launched website/blog, but not many posts because of time crunch. I will be putting that soon.

    I also do self learned Technical Analysis. Still learning, I don't think it will end. But, I am sure we can settle for some of rewarding techniques/trade setup's. I will try to post some of those in future.

    I want to thank Shabbir for providing this platform :)

  2. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Hi Suresh and welcome to the forum. Nice to see you are engaged in financial planning and I am sure this community can help you in that aspect as well.

    I always believed that people would love free things but I also realized that people many a times don't take free things that seriously. As an example in 2004 when I started into online forums I never thought that people would pay for forum but as you can see I have kept the technical analysis forum now private and it has started to see lot of activity already without any significant efforts from my end where as it took probably few months for me to get people to sign up and introduce themselves on free forum. That speaks for itself. :D
  3. sureshtsuryavanshi

    sureshtsuryavanshi New Member

    May 1, 2012
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    Hi Shabbir,

    Yes. I think definitely this forum will help me. By the way, you're technical analysis book is real good thing. See this is how it happens. I think most of the people who bought that book is serious in learning technical analysis. I think that's how it works. One who is serious is ready to pay for the effort and time of the person who provide service. Am I right?

  4. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Yes you are absolutely right.

    I thought about giving my ebook to really serious people who email me that I am not able to pay as of now but I am really very serious about learning and blah blah blah. I asked them to get my sample chapters and answer few question from those section and apart from one or two no one actually replied to those question.

    Though I am making an assumption based on very small number of participation but I think that is how it is.
  5. ichkoguy

    ichkoguy DIYTA Staff

    May 5, 2012
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    Hi Suresh,

    I wish you a grand success. I could see myself and closely associate with you in all terms. Even am trying to master the concept of finance, trading but slowly learning them. Hope this will be a good place to learn more.
  6. sureshtsuryavanshi

    sureshtsuryavanshi New Member

    May 1, 2012
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    Hi ichkoguy,

    Can I know your name please. BTW Thanks for your wishes. Yes definitely this will help you to learn the things.

  7. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    I have added the real name information in the posts and so we now can identify everybody with a real name and not with username.
  8. ichkoguy

    ichkoguy DIYTA Staff

    May 5, 2012
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    Thats a good move Shabbir. Thanks!