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How "Stop Loss Trigger Price(SLTP)" Works ?

Discussion in 'Technical Analysis' started by praveenbkec, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. praveenbkec

    praveenbkec Member

    Oct 31, 2012
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    Software Engineer
    Hi Shabbir,

    I am bit confused about this SLTP, what i understood is

    In the context of Buy "the worst possible price we should buy the stock"
    Ex: if "X" stock has CMP of 100,
    Case 1. suppose i want to buy a stock at 101 means
    Limit Price = 101
    SLTP = greater than 100 and Less than 101.
    Case 2. suppose i want to buy a stock at 95 means, how can i place this order?

    In the context of Sell "the worst possible price we should sell the stock"
    case 3 : suppose i want to sell the stock at 98 means
    Limit Price = 98
    SLTP = 99
    case 4 :suppose i want to sell a stock at 105 means, how can i place this order?

    when i place case 2, 4 orders it is throwing some errors saying "SLTP cannot be lesser than Last traded Price" and SLTP cannot be greater than last traded price.
  2. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Not sure I understand your question but Stop loss Trigger price is something where your stop loss is triggered.

    Stop loss does not come when you want to buy or sale but it is a case where you have made one trade but now either want to be squaring off with a minimal loss.

    The cases you have identified does not qualify for stop loss triggers.

    Let us say you have some stock X in your account and you have a stop loss trigger price for this stock as 95 (Assuming you purchased this at 100). So your sell order will be sent to the exchange for execution when the price breaches 95 or below. 95 is your stop loss trigger price and your order may get executed at 94/93 or anything depending on your type of order that is market order or limit order.
  3. praveenbkec

    praveenbkec Member

    Oct 31, 2012
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    Software Engineer
    Thanks for the reply,

    I need one more clarification,
    If i buy a stock in Equity -- CASH Buy , can i sell the that before (T+2) settlement cycles or i need to wait till (T+2).
  4. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    You can sell before T+2 always but some brokers like ICICIDirect does not allow it many times.

    On top of that make sure your purchase is executed fully and also you are not short on units (at times people sell stocks that they don't have in DP) or else if you sale more than what you may be getting in your account could mean a penalty.