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The current situation in broader markets

Discussion in 'Technical Analysis' started by rahul_majumdar, Feb 3, 2025.

  1. rahul_majumdar

    rahul_majumdar Member

    Jul 30, 2018
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    Hi Shabbir,
    With the current mayhem in the stock market, is it wise to remain invested and hope for the best or cash out with something before the capital gets wiped out.
    Please suggest.
  2. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Depends on your stocks and their quarterly earnings and future outlook. Generally speaking, I don't have a view on the complete market but my stocks should continue to grow sales and profit north of 15% and that gives me confidence to remain invested.

    I am more of a bottom up approach investor and it works well for me. You can see if your stocks are doing the same or not. Market is expected to be volatile but it is part and parcel of being an equity investor but the volatility also means you have chance to enter at good levels. It is a double edge sword.