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What has the last 1 month taught you?

Discussion in 'Investment Analysis' started by shabbir, Jul 1, 2018.

  1. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Being a member of this forum as well as reading my blog articles, there should be some change in your trading and investment patterns. So let me ask this question to every member of this forum.

    What has the last month (or depending on how long you have been a member) taught you?

    Share them below and speak your heart out. No one is going to judge anyone and still even if someone does, do you give a damn?
    abhijitupsc and nirajshah like this.
  2. nirajshah

    nirajshah Champion

    Aug 17, 2016
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    I have learnt lot of things and the list is long but I will keep it short here and share that I can now easily reject companies that aren't worth investing for sure. It has made me reduce mistakes in market. So thank you for that.

    Sent from my Micromax Q385 using DIY Technical Analysis mobile app
  3. jazeelfarooq

    jazeelfarooq Active Member

    Apr 18, 2017
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    hi Shabbir, after reading your we site and blog now I am studying about company and its business, products more and more. I am reading company annual report for this.

    After understanding company and see its business/ products have moat/ competitive edge/ management future potential then only take decision to invest.

    After that need to wait for price to come down (valuation part). Once price come down as per my valuation the I will buy.. here not buying stock buy buying company as owner (laughing)

    This practice give me more information about company and its business. The problem of this approach it is taking long time and need more patience.
  4. sartajbagga

    sartajbagga Member

    Nov 22, 2017
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    Its with your knowledge, we all are gaining some knowledge about the market. I also learnt a lot with your blogs. And in my free time, i study.. now i have interest in market.
    nirajshah likes this.
  5. karthickalagirisamy

    karthickalagirisamy Member

    May 8, 2018
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    Hi Shabbir
    I am new to stock market ,without any basic I wrongly picked some stock at very earlier stage based on market emotions and advice from some sites which yielded loss, but last one month I am reading your articles ,Moreover your articles giving clarity about stock market and what are the do’s and dont’s and How to select stock and lot more still lot of things for learning ,first thing I learned is be patient and don’t get panic (main thing for new investor) which change my mindset about stock market now I am spending time now for learning all the analysis and after 100% saTisfactory by myself then select the stock and experimenting my judgement based on analysis in very small scale (process going on for gaining experience)
    Need your guidance during course of my learning
    nirajshah likes this.
  6. shankarbalajid

    shankarbalajid Member

    Sep 6, 2016
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    I am following Shabbir's blog and forum for more than a year now. Earlier I had most of my investments in small and micro cap stocks, which I invested based on recommendations. But now I understand my position in market. I am a full time engineer and a hard worker. I dont get time to spend much time to spend on market analysis. So I have moved to passive investment way (mutual funds). I am glad that I am making a decent returns from my investments.

    But i still follow Shabbir's ideology on stocks and own few large cap stocks (Pidellite, Havells, Lupin etc.).

    Thank you Shabbir.
    abhijitupsc and nirajshah like this.
  7. prabhat_mishra

    prabhat_mishra Active Member

    Jul 29, 2017
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    Dear shabir jee,
    I must say my true investment in stock market starts after reading ur articles. Last time u have posted your complete family portfolio based on my request. A grand salute to you for your stock selection, analysis, conviction, self belief and courage for deploying such a huge amount(at least for me) in a concentrated portfolio. Last month i was remembering some of your quotes "patience is not about staying invested in a market for a long time, it is also about sitting with cash and waiting for a good valuation to enter in to market".
    Keep posting new aryicles and educating us and do answer to some of our silly questions.
    Also one small request when ever u r making some changes to ur portofolio plz inform to us also.
    nirajshah likes this.
  8. chaitanya_mella

    chaitanya_mella Contributor

    May 20, 2017
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    I stopped chasing dividend stocks and dumped PSUs from my portfolio.
    nirajshah likes this.
  9. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Thanks for all those comments and it is the only reason for me to keep blogging.
    nirajshah likes this.
  10. waseem163

    waseem163 Member

    Jun 23, 2017
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    Hi Shabbir, This blog has helped me a lot in understanding fundamentals of any stock. Reason behind purchasing any stock instead of depending on others call.
    More importantly I can now identify fake companies and fake calls.
    I know still there a lot to understand and I am learning each and every day.
    Thanks a lot

    Sent from my Mi A1 using DIY Technical Analysis mobile app
    nirajshah likes this.
  11. mk27418

    mk27418 Active Member

    Nov 19, 2017
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    As I am investing from last 3-4 months. I am in loss of around 15% of my all investment. But i learned a lot of my losses.
    1. Never faith on News channels advisory.
    2. I try to check P/E, EPS etc.
    3. I check graphs Candlestick, MACD and Line chart. if graph is in uptrend and MACD graph Black line has crossed the Red signal line in uptrend then only i try to make an investment. But still many times it does not work for me.

    I am also trying to sell some others stocks and accumulating in some good one (hoping to get return in future). Below stocks I am accumulating: NOCIL, TataMotors, Amaraja, Jubilant Lifescience, Ashok Leyland, Greaves Cotton...etc.. Here all are in heavy loss for now.

    I learned a lot from Shabbir blog and chasing conversations on forum. Thanks for the same.. what I am now this is because of you and members at forum. still, I need to learn a lot. Thanks so much...
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2018
    nirajshah likes this.
  12. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Thanks for those wonderful words.
    nirajshah likes this.
  13. anshumanpatra79

    anshumanpatra79 New Member

    Jun 4, 2018
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    Learning a lot about stock valuation and the different industries. Thanks for spreading the knowledge.

    nirajshah likes this.
  14. nirajshah

    nirajshah Champion

    Aug 17, 2016
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    mk27418 and shabbir like this.
  15. abhijitupsc

    abhijitupsc Contributor

    Sep 19, 2017
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    Few learnings would be

    1) When I have money, I don't have patience to sit tight on it till valuation comes in my anticipated range. I keep on swinging at everything thrown at me.

    2) I get the fear of Missing Out when the desired stock starts going up and I don't have money. So what I do is I book profits and start chasing the momentum stocks.

    3) I always thought what if I were to start in around 2013, when valuations were favourable..But now when the opportunity is there, I don't have guts and conviction in my thought process.
    So I have to read a lot to get the basics right. Without reading, in my view, whatever I would be investing would be speculation.

    4) Resources are scarce and there would always be a situation where I find my favourite stock in desired range but I won't have money. So for the time being, let my SIPs take all my money from me so that I won't have anything and don't commit blunders again but once I am getting the hang of basics, I would start investing on my own. Let that period be anywhere between 1 year to 2 years. If I don't control my urge to invest for this period, then I don't have aptitude to invest in markets and professional manager should do it. I have my space in career to worry about and progress in.
    I am no smarter than the market is. I should beore fearful of it and first focus on preserving my capital.

    5) I will never ever buy a stocks without doing fundamental checks and reading Annual reports.
    I must admit I am very lazy to go through those 150 to 200 odd pages but if I can't do that I should forget investing on my own.

    6) Let the experts and paid advisory services paint an gloomy or rosy pictures of investment options. It's my money and I won't allow them to take charge of it without any responsibility.
    I am responsible to my family for whatever I am going to do.

    7) A market is a place to earn slow but steady bucks It's not there to earn envy. Let others earn whatever they can. It's none of my business. Whether I would be better off 7 years from now, would be the criteria to judge myself. If not, I should not act oversmart and let the SIP handle this headache.

    8) Paper investing can't teach me lessons.I have to lose money to learn lessons.

    More to follow as my corpus goes southwards.

    Sent from my Redmi Note 4 using DIY Technical Analysis mobile app
    shabbir and chaitanya_mella like this.
  16. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Very nice list.