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Ashok Leyland

Discussion in 'Portfolio Updates' started by shabbir, Jun 28, 2017.

  1. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    I have sold my complete position in Ashok Leyland at 92.25 levels. Contract notes attached. My overall position in Ashok Leyland was 2500 units at an average price of 81.14. So I made a total profit of 27,518 on an investment of 2,02,843.

    There are a couple of reasons for me to sell my total position in Ashok Leyland and both the reasons have nothing to do with fundamentals of the company.
    1. I want to remain cash heavy because my view on the index is negative and 9700 Nifty Looks like a Near Term top to me.
    2. I have other better opportunity in auto ancillary sectors where I see the current correction will provide a very good entry into that stock. I had other stocks in my open portfolio that could have been sold but then as I see a good opportunity in the auto ancillary sector, my preferred choice of stock was Ashok Leyland.
    So I liquidated 10% of my existing portfolio and if I see a significant correction in the market, will deploy this money back.

    This update is not a recommendation of investment or trade in the stocks discussed but just my research about the stock that I share openly with my blog readers and DIYTA community members.

    Attached Files:

    hitesh_mahant and arunmohan like this.
  2. Suresh_Sinha

    Suresh_Sinha Active Member

    May 1, 2012
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    This is so awesome share from you Shabbir and I completely agree with your view that we should book profit in good stocks as well if we can foresee a good opportunity
    hitesh_mahant likes this.